Nanoparticles have existed for millions of years on Earth and have been employed by people for different purposes. Similar in size to biological molecules like proteins, nanoparticles can exist in nature. Nanoparticles have dimensions that cannot exceed one hundred nanometers, making them much smaller than human cells. However, because of the comparatively huge amount of surface area that they cover, they are capable of having considerable specific effects. In recent years, because of the enhanced human capacity to produce synthetic nanoparticles, significant attention has been focused on nanoparticles. Nanoparticle toxicity studies have just lately emerged and are still in their infancy. More attention is needed in the field of nanoparticle toxicology in the coming years to come.
Department of Zoology, Khalsa College Amritsar, Punjab, India 143001
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to ZS
Singh Z (2023) Nanotoxicological Studies: Still in their Infancy. Environ Sci Arch 2(1):1-3.
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