Present study was undertaken to investigate the vermicomposting of different organic waste (Deciduous tree leaves, biogas slurry, paddy straw and cow dung) employing, Eisenia fetida. The experiment was comprised of six treatments replicated thrice in a randomized block design. The following treatments were kept T1: 50% Deciduous tree leaves + 50% Cow dung, T2: 50% Deciduous tree leaves + 25% Cow dung + 25% Biogas slurry, T3: 50% Paddy straw + 50% Cow dung, T4: 50% Paddy straw + 50% Biogas slurry, T5: 100% Cow dung and T6: Farm yard manure (control). It has been observed that vermicompost prepared from deciduous tree, took 8 months to reach the maturity and the results showed that NPK and micronutrient content was higher in the deciduous tree leaves vermicompost followed by paddy straw vermicompost and cow dung vermicompost. The lowest particle and bulk density was observed in deciduous tree leaves vermicompost and porosity was increased. The highest total organic carbon was observed in deciduous tree leaves vermicompost. The Results further demonstrate that the nutrient content increased from pre- composting stage to maturity stage. The heavy metal content was decreased from pre composting stage to maturity stage. The maximum bacterial count was observed in paddy straw vermicompost and the maximum fungal count was observed in deciduous tree leaves vermicompost. The maximum dehydrogenase activity was observed in the cow dung vermicompost.
School of Organic Farming, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India -141004
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