The aim of this study was to investigate phytochemicals, the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hemolysis assay of Ephedra alata Qualitative analysis of phytochemicals and quantitative analysis of total phenolics and flavonoids were prepared by using standard protocols. Qualitative phytochemical analysis revealed that the aqueous extract show richness in flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, steroids, reducing compound, tannins, phenols and alkaloids. Total phenol and flavonoid content show highest concentration in aqueous extract of E. alata (68.009mg GA Eq/gm, 4mg QEq/gm). In vitro, the DPPH and FRAP antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory, Hemolysis assay studies show that aqueous extract of Ephedra alata showed higher antioxidant activity property and important anti-inflammatory. The results conclude that Ephedra alata contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds which protects cells against degenerative effects of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). This study showed that the Ephedra alata is valuable source of natural agents beneficial for human health.
1 Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, University of El-Oued, El-Oued 39000, Algeria.
2 Laboratory of Biodiversity and Application of Biotechnology in the Agricultural Field, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, University of El-Oued, El-Oued 39000, Algeria.
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