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Serological Detection of Viruses causing Tomato Mosaic Disease

Stanzin Diskit 1, LV Ravishankar 1, Ranbir Singh 1, Bushra Rasool 1, Dechan Choskit 1, Nisar Ahmad Dar 1, Amrish Vaid 1, Sachin Gupta 1 and Baby Summuna 2


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11424734


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) belongs to solanaceous family and is sensitive to many plant viruses during the different crop stages and viruses are spread by insect vectors. Mostly plant viruses with ss-RNA infect the crop vulnerability and cause huge losses, including Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), and Potato mosaic virus (PVY). The survey was conducted in the subtropical climate zone of Jammu province in different locations viz. Gajansoo, Pinjore, and Lalyal from Marh, Badayal Brahmna, Laswara and Purobana from RS Pura, Makhanpur, Salehar, and Kothe from Bishnah and Chatha Farm during 2020 and 2021. It was observed that the overall incidence of disease in Marh was 32.44% in Gajansoo and a minimum (16.67%) in Makhanpur of Bishnah during 2020 while during 2021, a maximum disease incidence of 30.66% was recorded from Gajansoo of Marh and minimum (15.75%) was recorded from Purobana of RS Pura. Host resistance for different plant viruses has always been a successful management strategy in the control of plant viral diseases, which are ecologically and economically valid. Twenty germplasms of tomato viz. Pusa Ruby, EC-620406, Arka Vikas, EC-771607, EC-676791, Hisar Anmol, EC- 514109, EC- 514109, EC-677191, EC-677049, EC- 677123, Avinash 2, Arka Sourabh, Kashi Vishes, Local, Kajal, Hiasr Arun, Money Maker, EC-620417, Arka Ananya, EC-617048 obtained from NBPGR were screened against ToMV, CMV and PVY under field conditions to know the host resistance to three plant viruses which are detected serologically through DAS-ELISA.


1 Division of Plant Pathology, FoA, SKUAST - Jammu - 180009, Jammu and Kashmir, India
2 Division of Plant Pathology, FoH, SKUAST - Kashmir -190025, Jammu and Kashmir, India



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